NEXT EVENT: October 12th
Eleanor Perry-Smith
Eleanor Perry-Smith is a long name. Eleanor Perry-Smith has reoccurring dreams. Eleanor Perry-Smith is in favor of repetition. Also rhyming verse. She is a poet and writer. Sometimes that’s the same thing. Yet, when she recites her poems they sing and, arguably, so does she.
Eleanor has recited at the TEDx Mile High event and for the past two years at the Eaux Claires festival in Wisconsin, founded by bands Bon Iver and The National. Her poems have been published by New River Press in London and her book Revelry & Rhyme pairs photographs with experimental verse. She has collaborated with filmmakers to bring a visual component to her poems, as well as artists to bring her poems to walls. She believes it’s the poet’s job to connect this ancient art form with the world’s newest people.
She was a former editor for Modern In Denver magazine and Zephyr Press literary journal. Her arts coverage and essays have appeared in Mental_Floss, 5280, and The A.V. Club, among others.
Watch her poetry videos and read her work at www.ep-s.com. That’s not an order.